Serving the Clarksdale community at the Care Station

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One of the major themes of this project is to learn how to become agents of change. We had two amazing opportunities to help make a difference in some people’s lives in Clarksdale, Mississippi. Half of us went to the help out at an Animal shelter and the other half, which included me, volunteered at Clarksdale Care Station, a local group that delivers meals to the homebound residents of the town.
I spent most of the day sorting out the food that had been donated during the past Sunday's "Mother's Day" food drive, and the donated food was collected by the local post office. There were hundreds of cans of different types of food, and we spent the day with Mr. Charlie Estes, who directs the Care Station, organizing different can goods in the storage room. We made sure that all the corns were with other corns, green beans with green beans, and so on. By organizing the stock of donated food, it would be easier for the cooks and meal planners to prepare meals. Overall, it was an amazing experience. Knowing that I was being of service to other people was very rewarding. The way my heart was beating during my time at care station felt special.
The Care Station also feeds anyone who ask for food. Some people eat there once a week and some people eat there everyday. They also deliver food to people who can not leave their house due to medical issues. All the people who were working at the Care Station gave me hope. Everyone deserves to have access to food and water on daily basis. It makes me happy to know that there are people and organizations out there that helping those who are unable to provide for themselves. It strengthens my belief in humanity.
