Student-for-a-day at St. Bernard’s Prep, in Cullman, Alabama

I got to experience what going to school in the South is like. I was astonished when I was informed that Saint Bernard’s Prep was composed of a total of 160 students and that a few teachers were in their mid 80s. More specifically, one of the English teachers was 87 years old! Conversing with various students allowed me to better understand their lifestyle. I learned that lots of students drive to school since there are no public transportation nor Ubers around. Something that differentiates St. Benedict’s from St. Bernard is the way they get silence. No matter what setting students are in, a teacher would make the announcement and the students would instantly get quiet to listen. On the other hand, at Benedict's we have to put up the hand up and sometimes wait a while to get silence. Spending time with students from the South was an interesting experience that allowed me to see past my initial preconceptions of what the South is like.


  1. Thank you, Juan, for such a fascinating description of St. Bernard's. Traveling, whether it is in the States or beyond, can open your mind to so much. Sounds like you are learning so much already. Keep on drinking in the experience this unique trip offers you.
    With best regards -- Ms. MacPherson

  2. Juan-I find it interesting to read about the different aspects of St. Bernard that you picked up on. I’m really sorry I missed out on that day. Scan

  3. Juan: I'm glad that you enjoyed the experience at St. Bernard's. Since Fr. Linus has indicated that we can try to do a student exchange -- inviting St. Bernard's students to come up and be at St. Benedict's -- I hope we can give just as good of an experience to them when they come to visit as the great experiences we all had when we were at their school. -- Lansang

  4. Wow - an English teacher is 87! That's even older than I am. I would love to read more about this school - what is the population? Co-ed? Tuition? 160 kids in the whole school - does that mean really small classes? Very intersting.


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